
Tall - ass was born in 1983 in Tripolis, Greece.

He studied "Computer Engineering & Informatics" in the University of Patras (Greece)
He studied "Karawitan Music & Performing Arts" in the university of ISI,Solo (Indonesia)
Achieved a Master Degree in "Arts, Virtual Reality and Systems of Multi-user Expression" in Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece) and Universite Paris 8 (France).

His is interested in the ways human react to travels, music, colors, shapes, sounds and forms, shadows and light, anxiety, compression, poetry and story telling, alternate realities, virtual soundscapes, subconscious intrication, words, ideas, aesthetics.

His mediums of expression vary from bass quitars, pencils and inks, electronics, computer generated art, percussion, acrylic, screams, literature, love, always depending on the current mood.

He is possible to be found in the following email address:

tolas666 [at] gmail [dot].com